Iron Chef

Win a Date with Aslo Porpoise

Aslo Porpoise

Born: 8/23/56

Occupation: Certified SCUBA equipment taster

Interests: Sandals, airplanes, squash of all varieties, the sound a fly makes when it's sleeping



Oh shit! Want a date with this handsome beast of a mammal? His thunderingly powerful metabolism and bold, european clavicles make all the ladies sweat from their metaphorical penises.

So, what do you say? Do you want this sweaty hunk of man-protein to take you an an underground train ride to Mt. Kilimajaro? Submit entries to:
I want the microwave
C/O Runco Pants Inc.
2455 McCorkinship Blvd.
Sussatucky, MN 88607
Entries due no later than April 26th, 2011.

Aslo Porpoise is not affiliated in any way with Voltron, Bob the Builer, or Dora the Explorer, that stupid Bitch. Fuck her.
