The Williamson Super-Oboe
Gus: This oboe fucking whomps. It's called "super," but its really more like "cluper," jackass. Buttery,
but not buttery enough. When the Williamson Corporation changes the name to the "Cluper-I can't believe its not butter Oboe,"
then maybe i'll reconsider the verbal pain I have unleashed.
Mitchell: Is... like punished. In prison... In Tazmania. Like the woebbels, is so hurting. I say
Ow Ow Ow Ow.
Overall Rating: 3½ screaming babies
Runco Pants Astro-Scout
Gus: This thing is fucking rad, like RoboCop. He has a human face, like Robocop. He is a killing machine,
like RoboCop. He's from the future, like RoboCop. He was directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier, like RoboCop.
He's 102 minutes long in the USA and 98 minutes long in Norway, Like RoboCop. Robocop without consonants is "ooo." Ao-ou is
almost as rad as that.
Mitchell: Robot... He kill my father. I hate you Robot!!
Overall Rating: 16 RoboCops
A Crimp Tool
Gus: Fuck! This isn't Tool Time! This thing is crap, and I crap on it crap in it and crap crap
Mitchell: Crap is funny word. No joke necessary.
Overall Rating: Two Tim Taylors and a hashbrown
Walrus Unlimited Corporation Glove
Gus: This is the glove that killed my family
Mitchell: I am approving, much.
Overall Rating:One OJ Simpson